The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality is pleased to present its inaugural Green Business Expo 7 a.m. To 4:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Galvez Conference Center, LDEQ Headquarters.
The LDEQ 2010 Green Business Expo will be held at the LDEQ Headquarters in the Galvez Building, 602 North 5th St., Baton Rouge. Public parking is available across the street in the Galvez Parking Garage, 504 North 5th St.
This timely exposition will showcase nine presenters and exhibits from other innovative businesses. These businesses offer real cost saving opportunities for private and public enterprises, as well as provide an environmental return for the citizens of Louisiana.
This interactive program will focus on creating a synergy between economic reality and environmental quality of life improvements through partnering with established and community stakeholders, innovative business concepts, and market opportunities.
Participants will assist in building a report card which scores presenters and exhibitors on implementation possibilities of their technology. LDEQ will issue an annual report card on the actual implementation of the businesses as well as calculations of data designed to illustrate the lowered impact on our environment by placing their products into the stream of commerce.
Members from industry, federal, state and local government and consumers will benefit from attendance at this event. These participating companies offer solutions which either make money, save money and provide a positive return on investment in the commercial sectors such as maritime and plant operations, energy and oil & gas, wastewater, and fleet management.
This expo is designed to eliminate the idea of green business being an oxymoron.