When: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 2:00 PM-5:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: Council Chambers
Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.
You are invited to attend a meeting with St. Charles Parish local Elected Officials, State and Federal Legislative Representatives, Federal Railroad Representatives, Representatives from Railroad Companies crossing St. Charles Parish and Representatives from St. Charles Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Operations Center, Fire Departments, Ambulance Services, State Police Hazmat, and other St. Charles Parish Personnel.
The main topic of discussion will be “SAFETY”.
This meeting will be advertised as an informational meeting. The public is invited to attend.
Mrs. Barbara Jacob-Tucker is compiling a list of questions. If you have any questions that you would like added to the list please e-mail them to Mrs. Tucker at bjacob@stcharlesgov.net <mailto:bjacob@stcharlesgov.net> or contact her at 985-783-5126.
The sponsors for this meeting will be the following:
Councilwoman Wendy Benedetto
Councilman Larry Cochran
Councilman Shelley Tastet