Lloyd Sensat was SENSATional in so many ways. A tribute to his life
as an educator, preservationist, artist, writer and actor is being
created for a March 24 showing at the annual St. Charles Parish Schools
Art Exhibition to be held at the Professional Learning Center, 12727
Hwy. 90 in Luling, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Before his death a year ago,
Sensat had dedicated his life to promoting art and preservation. He
was the recipient of many awards and was one of the top three Disney
Teacher Award finalists in the United States. More importantly, he was a
dedicated teacher who kept in touch with his former students.
The influence Sensat has had is enormous, especially for St. Charles
Parish students, and it continues even today. One way to show that is
by creating a collage of memories and photos to be included as part of a
tribute exhibition.
Organizes are seeking submissions (smaller than 5" by 7") of a written
memory, a photo of work done because of his influence, a photo of Sensat
with students or a written testimonial about his influence.
Please send e-mails, e-mail attachments or snail mail to Laurie Abadie at lkabadie@att.net or 10424 Pear St., River Ridge, LA 70123. Please call (504) 913-4738 for more information.
The deadline for receipt of pieces for this collage is March 18.